Bespoke Web-hosted Software

We initially created a customer-facing platform for Roofglaze Rooflights Ltd that allowed customers and internal staff, after logging in, to:

  • Select a product
  • Select sizes
  • Select glass specification
  • Choose a number of associated parameters
  • Print quotes
  • Place orders

Customers were placed in price bands that had discounts on prices to the general public and these were automatically applied on login. Additional discounts could be added manually by internal sales staff to enable special offers and one-off pricing.

Each product is generated from a number of components that are priced per item, per metre or per product and the price is dynamically created to match sizes, gl;ass and options selected as changges are made.

In addition, each glass specification has complex data tables that determine whether that speecification is available for a specific product in a specific width and length combination. The system dynamically adjusts to only show the glass types available for the selected parameters.

 Internal administration staff have privileges to enable the addition and editing of customers, all prices for components, mark-up rates and span tables.


Managing Sales & Production

From the success of the sales system we were commissioned to create a much more complex internal system to manage the sales teams, production deadlines and interrogate sales data by product type, product, sales channel, date, etc.

This included live sales dashboards, updated every minute, on a screens in the Sales Team office that shows sales figures as a total and by product plus a daily shortfall/excess.

The production dashboard shows dates each order is due to be completed at each process (e.g. CNC, welding, etc) with downloadable worksheets for each workstation.

At management level the data can be interrogated in a number of ways via easy to view dashboards and paraeters can be added edited such as lead-times for a product, new products, etc.

We continue to work with Roofglaze Rooflights as they add new products and request additional features for the system. helping a great client improve their processes, profit and productivity is what we’re all about. We not only want to help our clients succeed but also free up time for their busy senior staff to have a better quality of life.